Thursday, September 11, 2008

"see...I've got my tears on"

Ezri and Eden are playing in the playroom. Ezri has horded a ridiculous amount of toys in the hallway. She says she's playing with Eden, but really she's just guarding her stash. Eden is trying to grab a my little pony and Ezri has Eden by the waste. Eden in screaming in a frustrated tone, while Ezri is yelling in the whiniest voice possible..."Sister No!"

I tell Ezri she has enough ponies that she needs to give Eden one!

Ezri runs into her room yelling "It's all my fault...see Mama I'm crying."

I say "Ezri you need to come here it's important that we share with Sis, and I don't see any tears."

Ezri runs back into the playroom, making her best sad face, minus tears and says in a sassy little voice "See mama...I've got my tears on!" and then stomps back into her room!

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