Friday, October 24, 2008

Where's the baby?

Our little comedian found a bag today and before I knew it she was hiding under it! Eden has such a funny little sense of humor; she waited quietly until I said "where is Eden?" before popping out! (Sorry the pictures are a bit blurry, she was moving too quick for me!)

So as you know this little one loves to get a rise out of us...this week we took a little outing to the dollar store. Eden was in the cart and Ezri was walking next to me. I bent down to help Ezri with something and when I stood back up Eden was where a fireman's hat. I have no idea where she grabbed it or when, but she managed to get it on her head! I was in cracking up! So of course we had to buy it, and Eden's actually been putting it on at home...too funny!


Jo Feve said...

What a dolly button! Cracks me up that she figured out the fireman's hat. So, so cute!

anna said...

that little e is so witty. her facial expressions are the best!