Playing at the cabin pool!
Daddy swimming with the girls
Pop Pops wearing the puddle jumper
Ezri's first time climbing at Daddy's school!
up so high!
CAPTIVATE: to attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence. We have been blessed with a friendship and love that captivates us each day; and now as parents we have discovered a whole new level of love! Our children hold the keys to our hearts! As you read this blog we hope that you can become as captivated as we are in the blessings we find in each other!
Love all the posts. I can't believe how hight Ezri is!! Amazing!! We miss you guys!
Hey I was on that rock climbing wall when I visited! Thanks for letting me go on it! I can't BELIEVE how high Ezri got!
YOu Go Girl!
Auntie lala's grandaughter
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