Monday, July 28, 2008

hip hip hooray!

Levi had his defense for his masters degree this morning and he passed! Hip hip hooray! I'm bubbling with pride, he's put so many hours of hard work into this over the last two years! I couldn't have asked for a more amazing and committed husband! I am honored to be his!


anna said...

ahhhhh!!! aMAZing!! what an answer to prayer! the LORD has rewarded levi's diligence and your awesome support of him. congratulations! we're so happy for you guys!

how are you celebrating? when can you relish and delight in that sweet relief?

praise the LORD.
love you!

Abby said...

YEAH!!! WE are so happy for you guys!! Congrats!! We love you!

east kalman said...

Congrats to Levi. Your Baba told me about your blogspot and I am so glad I looked it up. The girls are just adorable - may they and their bugachoobas prosper!!! Love to you all, Sonja, Tom, Ellie and Andrea

baba said...

hip hip hooray! is right. We are so happy and share your pride. Of course we knew he would succeed. He is a great man and behind every great man is a wonderful and supportive wife. Keep posting pictues of those precious girls. we love you all....baba & didi

Tracy said...

Congrats Levi!

Jo Feve said...

That's our boy!

Levi, we are soooo proud of you! Whether it is the father and husband you are to your girls, coaching and mentoring young people or completing the enormous undertaking of your master's degree; you bring excellence and integrity to it all you do. We couldn’t be prouder of you. CONGRATULATIONS!!

And I agree with Baba; it takes teamwork to make it all happen and you two epitomize that. Happy 7th Anniversary; may God continue to find favor in you both. XO

Mike & Crissy said...

Yay!!! We've been gone all week, but were praying that all would go well! Congrats to both of you, I know it took team work to accomplish this, we're so happy for you guys!