Friday, July 25, 2008


We were sitting at the breakfast table this morning and Ezri looks over at me and says "Mommy...girls have bugachoobas." I asked what that meant and she said "Mommy, bugachoobas are boobies." What can I say, boobies will now forever be bugachoobas!


Jo Feve said...

I'm laughing out loud with Baba on the phone right now! :o))))))) Forever will those little things on our chest be called "bugachoobas"!

My heart just sings "winna minna parchment piney" when I think of that silly, smiley, precious girl. Keep 'em coming Ezi; you are adored beyond words!

Love and Hugs, Nanz

Abby said...

So funny!! We love that girl!